





Equipment process of composite air duct
1. According to the planning drawings, recognize the elevation and direction of the air duct equipment, and use expansion bolts to fix the equipment suspension bars.
2. The spacing of the hanging bars is recognized based on the cross-section of the air duct.
3. Connect the prefabricated qualified air ducts together using the supplied special flange inserts
4. Adjust the hanging bar bolts to ensure that the tray and air duct touch tightly and the tray is evenly stressed.
5. Before installing the air duct equipment, a light leakage test should be conducted on the manufactured air duct. A sample of 10% was taken, and it was found that the light leakage point exceeded the standard requirements. The processing technology should be improved to improve the processing quality. And the original formed defective products should be reworked or scrapped.
The weight of the air duct made of composite panels is very light (about 7kg/㎡), making it more convenient and efficient in equipment and lifting compared to traditional air ducts.
7. Hoisting system: The object that bears the air duct system must have the ability to bear the load of the air duct. According to the type of object that bears the load (on concrete, aerated bricks, or steel structural components), it can be connected to the suspension rod with enlarged screws, bolts, or welding. The suspension rod can be either galvanized or galvanized.
8. Pipe angle hook: The hook is generally used for straight pipes with a side length of less than 600mm. The hook is equipped with double-sided tape for quick connection, and the hook core must be paired with equipment.
9. In addition to using specialized lifting hooks and suspension rods, the lifting of air ducts can also be carried out using angle steel beams and round steel suspension rods according to the general lifting method of galvanized sheet air ducts.
10. Hoisting interval: When the long side of the air duct is ≤ 400mm and the long side of the air duct is>400mm, the hanger interval is 3m. When the long side of the air duct is>800mm, the hanger interval is 2-1.5m.
11. Cross beam angle steel specification: When the long side of the rectangular air duct is ≤ 630mm, L25 * 3 angle steel can be used, and when the long side is>630mm, L30 * 4 angle steel can be used.
12. Hanger specifications: When using L25 angle steel crossbeam, use φ 6mm round steel, available when using L30 * 4 angle steel crossbeam φ 8mm round steel for suspension rod.


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