室内金属风管施工制作施工工艺 |
添加时间:2022/7/6 16:01:57 浏览次数: |
室内金属风管施工制作施工工艺 Construction technology of indoor metal air duct 1、材料要求 1. Material requirements ①、板材表面应平整,厚度应均匀,无凹凸明显的压伤现象,并且不得有裂缝、砂眼、结疤、刺边和锈蚀等情况。 ① The surface of the plate shall be flat, the thickness shall be uniform, and there shall be no obvious indentation, and there shall be no cracks, sand holes, scabs, burrs, rust and other conditions. ②、选用材料的厚度应符合规范规定:(mm) ② . the thickness of selected materials shall comply with the specifications: (mm) ③、型钢应该注意等型,均匀,不应有裂缝,气泡、窝穴及其它影响质量的缺陷,特别注意现有角钢有不等边的情况。 ③ The profile steel should be equal and uniform, without cracks, bubbles, pits and other defects affecting the quality, and pay special attention to the unequal edges of the existing angle steel. |
上一页 一个完整的除尘系 |
下一页 安装螺旋风管应遵循的原则 |
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